Eve drives a food delivery truck to a waiting car, and then lets Quinlan out of the back. They go to the car and Eve tosses the keys to a nearby homeless man, telling him that the truck and the food is his.
In DC, Eph meets with his friend Rob Bradley at Rob's home. They go inside and Rob notices that Eph has a gun and a bloody shirt. Eph shows his friend photos of the strigoi he infected and explains that he's created a bioweapon to destroy the infected. He needs Rob to provide him with access to the pharmaceutical company Kemerall, because it has a reacting agent that they need to distribute the bioweapon. Once they have developed the virus for widespread distribution, they can take it to the DoD. Rob warns that the situation is too delicate for the DoD, and offers to talk to the Chief of the National Guard after calling his contact at Kemerall.
Reggie goes to the loft and meets with Nora and Vasiliy. Zach ignores them and goes to his room to eat, and Nora follows him in. She tries to comfort the boy as best he can, and asks if he's okay. Zach says that he is and asks how she's doing, and then hugs him. Nora thanks him for asking and hugs him back.
Gus goes to the tandoori restaurant and talks to Angel, pointing out that he limps on the same knee as the famous Silver Angel. Angel says that the movies are garbage, but Gus describes how he grew up with them and figures that the wrestler would be proud of what he did. The old man finally says that he was the Silver Angel and tells Gus to stop, and limps away. Aanya has been listening, and tells Gus that there's something he should see. She takes him to the basement where Angel keeps his VCR, and it shows the last movie the Silver Angel did:
Silver Angel vs. the Lord of Darkness. It shows where the Silver Angel's knee was hurt, forcing him to retire.
As Eph and Rob wait at a café for Rob's contact, Leigh Thomas, they see a broadcast about how articles of impeachment are being drawn up against the President for his failure to deal with the NYC epidemic. Leigh comes in and tells them that Everett is dead, falling off a train as he arrived in DC. Eph shows Leigh his test results and he's impressed. When she wonders what his angle is, Eph admits that he lost a good friend to the disease and another friend lost his wife. He explains that ending the outbreak is personal to him, and Leigh goes to call her CRO at Kemerall. Once they're alone, Eph assures Rob that what happened to Everett isn't what he thinks. As Rob insists that he doesn't want to know, Leigh comes back and tells them that her CRO will give them his full support.
Reggie shows Vasiliy and Abraham all of the properties that Eldritch has been buying up, and explains that the billionaire has been employing the same builders who built black-site prisons for the U.S. military. Abraham wonders what Eldritch wants given he has all the money that he could ever need, and Reggie tells his new allies that Eldritch believes that the Master will take him as a partner.
At the restaurant, Aanya is studying when Naren comes over and tells her to make a delivery. When she hesitates, he reminds her that the restaurant is paying for her education. However, Aanya doesn't see the point given that her classes have been cancelled indefinitely. Naren refuses to discuss it further and walks away, and Gus offers to go with Aanya. Angel refuses and Gus suggests that they let Aanya decides.
At the tandoori restaurant, Aanya glances over at Gus as she studies. Her father Naren comes in and says that they have a delivery, and reminds Aanya that the restaurant is paying for her education. Aanya notes that her classes have been canceled indefinitely and wonders what she's studying for. He refuses to discuss it and walks away, and Gus offers to go with Aanya to keep her safe. Angel offers to go instead, but Gus says that he's had more experience. The ex-wrestler refuses to let Gus go, and Gus says that they should let Aanya decide.
In DC, Eph, Rob, and Leigh have drinks while waiting to hear back from Kemerall. Eph talks about how Rob was a State Department attaché and they met when Rob bailed him out of trouble overseas. Leigh's CRO, Jonas, finally calls and tells her that they have the go-ahead. Rob says that he has a date and leaves, and Leigh tells Eph that she and Rob have never been together. She admits that she typically tells people no when they try to link up with her... but she looks meaningfully at Eph and says that she doesn't always say no. They then kiss and head back to her apartment.
The next morning, Eph wakes up in Leigh's bed and hears her talking to Rob on the phone. She says that Eph is with her and he's fine, and Eph warns her that there are some people who don’t want to see the disease stopped. Leigh says that she look forward to the challenge and asks if Eph has any regrets, and he assures her that he doesn't. She then gives him a waiver signing his research over to Kemerall. Eph refuses and Leigh says that it's her job, and points out that she's doing what Eph wanted her to do. She tells him that he knows how it works and advises him to sign the waiver, and Eph does so.
Quinlan meets with the Ancients and complains that NYC is a factory rather than a city. He accuses them of ignoring the Master until he became too great a threat, and says that he's there to make up for Vaun's failure. Quinlan promises the ancients that he will stop the Master for his own reasons, and wants to know who got close enough to the Master to injure him. He also needs human hunters.
Nora takes Zach to the police station to go through abandoned clothing, and then talks with Faraldo. She says that they're a day or two away from declaring Red Hook infection-free, and then the mayor is pressuring her to try and free a larger area. When Zach comes over, Nora tells Faraldo that his father is out of town and his mother is gone, and she hasn't been able to reach Zach's grandparents. Faraldo has an officer, Bennett, give Nora and Zach a ride home because it's getting late.
Eldritch visits Eichhorst at one of the factory sites and demands to see the Master. Eichhorst is more concerned about any other anti-strigoi defenses that Eichhorst has in his apartment, but Eichhorst merely repeats his demand to see the Master. He warns that he wants to make sure that nothing will threaten their mutual plans now that the next stage is coming up, and wonders if the Master is hurt. When Eldritch demands to know if the Master can uphold his side of the bargain, Eichhorst says that for Eldritch's sake, he won't pass the billionaire's concerns on to his master.
In DC, Eph and Rob meet with the National Guard chief, Dean Rushing, who insists that they've thrown a ton of resources at NYC. Rushing warns that they need a huge company like Stoneheart to oversee their efforts, but Eph refuses to work with Stoneheart. Rob insists that they're saving the country, and Rushing asks for a canister of the bioweapon to field-test it themselves.
Bennett drives Nora and Zach home, and Zach dozes off on Nora's shoulder. The car hits a strigoi and Bennett gets out to investigate. A Feeler attacks Bennet and breaks his neck, and Kelly emerges from the shadows. Nora gets Zach running to a nearby church, and Nora shoots at Kelly as she goes. They get inside and close the doors, and Zach realizes that his mother is attacking them.
Abraham tells Reggie not to let his guilt get the better of him. Nora calls and Abraham tells her that they're on their way and then heads out with Vasiliy and Reggie.
Kelly's Feelers climbs up the sides of the church and break in through the windows. One of them opens the door and lets Kelly and the other Feelers inside. They go into the back and search the nursery, and one of the Feelers smells out Zach's scent in a wardrobe. Nora has tossed the boy's sweater inside, and they slip past, locking the door behind them. They take refuge in the nave as Kelly breaks down the door and moves in after them. The Feelers find them and Nora shoots one of them... and Vasiliy, Abraham, and Reggie arrive and open fire. Reggie kills one of them, and the other one stings him in the leg. Abraham decapitates it and Kelly screeches in frustration. Vasiliy shoots at it but she ducks away and escapes.
Reggie tells the others that he knows what the sting means. He tells them not to let him become one of the strigoi, and Abraham has Vasiliy get Nora and Zach to the truck. The old man thanks Reggie for his help and then decapitates him.
Eph goes back to the bar and meets Leigh. She says that Kemerall went for it once they duplicate the process. Eph kisses her in relief and insists that distributing the virus is important. Leigh suggests he walk it through himself, but Eph says that he can't even though he refuses to say why. They share a toast to the future and Leigh suggests that they get out of there.
Leigh and Eph go to Rob's house to give him the good news, only to discover that he's gone. Eph apologizes for doubting her the morning before, and Leigh leads him to the upstairs bedroom. As they run into the bedroom, undressing, they find Rob dead on the floor of a gunshot wound. A killer steps out of the shadows and confirms who Eph is. When Eph tells Leigh to run, the killer shoots her and then Eph. Eph manages to draw a gun and kill him. Leigh asks who Eph is and then dies. Eph checks the killer's phone and confirms that he's from Stoneheart, and staggers out.
Eichhorst and Gabriel go to the first completed site and Eichhorst says that the moment is at hand. He then goes to an old box containing the Master, who emerges from his native soil. Eichhorst tells the Master that he stands ready to receive his power and kneels. However, the Master calls Gabriel forward and transfers his essence into the former rock singer, while Eichhorst stares in shock. The old body collapses and the Master in his new body orders Eichhorst to prove his loyalty and kneel. He assures the ex-Nazi that they will be together forever, and Eichhorst takes his hand and kisses it.