'The Daily Show' Airs Controversial "Catching Racism" Segment

Jon Stewart

Despite receiving backlash, 'The Daily Show' aired their controversial "Catching Racism" segment. In the piece, American Indians and Redskins fans were interviewed separately about the team's name. The American Indians explained why they felt it was inappropriate to use the term "Redskin", while fans of the team defended the name. The American Indians were then brought in to confront the fans, who were blindsided by the meeting.

The fans later complained to The Washington Post, saying they felt "ambushed", "endangered", and "defamed". Jon Stewart addressed this prior to the segment, explaining "If we find out that someone in a piece was intentionally misled, or if their comments were intentionally misrepresented, we do not air that piece. We would not air that piece. So, that being said, I hope you enjoy the following piece."

- Comedy Central
- Jon Stewart
- The Daily Show with Trevor Noah

Written by: Kimberly1978VA
Sep 29th, 2014, 11:04 am

Video courtesy of Comedy Central.

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