Justice Served - Recap

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In court, a young man faces charges that he stabbed a woman 8 times until she died. Danny is one of the jury members that must help make a decision on the young man's future.

All of the jurors vote guilty except Danny. He isn't so sure that the boy is guilty.

Frank dines with his friend Angelo Gallo and they discuss the future. As Frank gets into his car, Angelo says that he will never beat him at poker. After Frank leaves, a man walks up and shoots Gallo twice in the back.

Jamie offers to cover Jenko's shift so she can go out on a date. She is skeptical at first but thanks him for the favor. Later that night, Jenko's date with Jake goes well and he offers to walk her home. Jake walks her home and asks to come in. She declines him but he forces his way in and gets aggressive.

Frank was in the paper for dining with Gallo, the mob lawyer, before he was shot. They are old friends but Moore advises that he doesn't get involved. Frank is told that Gallo was overheard telling Romano that he's no longer representing them. He believes that Romano targeted Gallo after hearing of him meeting with Frank.

The next day, Jamie receives no answer back from Jenko on the phone. He goes up to her apartment and finds her with a swollen face. She claims it was a car accident but he doesn't believe her. Jenko wants to be left alone.

Danny goes over the crime with the jury and says he needs some physical evidence to change his mind. Other jurors change their mind after hearing what he has to say. He gets in a fight when another juror brings up his family's history of police work. The judge declares a mistrial because the jury's bias.

Back at the station, Danny is given the case files and offers to find out the truth surrounding the case he was on the jury for.

Frank arrives at the hospital to visit Gallo. He asks about the hit but Gallo brushes it off as random gang violence. Frank needs to know what's going on before Gallo is murdered. Gallo says he's not a rat.

Jenko doesn't feel like talking about what happened to her. She ignores a phone call while talking to Jamie in the police car. He asks if she's hungry and volunteers to stay with the car while she gets food. While she's gone he searches her phone for her date's number and writes it down.

Everyone is quiet at the Reagan family dinner. No one can talk about their business except Jamie. He explains that he has a friend that needs help but he doesn't know what to do. Frank says he will know once he gets past the fear of losing that friend. Nicky announces that she got a tattoo, which causes everyone to stop eating. She's only joking though.

Danny meets with Deshawn Williams, the suspect in his case. He's the only one who believes in him. Danny needs some information to work with in order to prove his innocence. Deshawn claims to not know the witness that blames him for the crime. He suggest that Danny talk to her about the accusations.

Jamie runs a trace on the number he got from Jenko's phone and finds it belongs to Jake Singer. Jake had rape charges against him before but they were dropped. Jamie calls the arresting officer to learn about the case.

Danny and Maria meet with Shania and ask if any of a series of photos look like the murderer. Maria asks her to explain what happened. She says that she saw Deshawn stab the woman.

Frank meets with Gallo and asks what his legacy will be. He says it's one thing to know Romano's a criminal but it's another to be complacent with the crimes. Frank tries to convince him to come clean. Gallo's terms are that he doesn't want any detectives, recording devices and he doesn't want to be killed. Frank promises his best to keep him from testifying in a public court room. Gallo tells him to shut the door and he will tell him everything.

Danny and Maria head to the location where Shania witnessed the crime. It is far away and the street light is broken. The owner of the store says there is a young man in that area who sells drugs.

Jamie tells Jenko that if something happened to her she needs to report it so that it doesn't happen again. She doesn't want to admit what happened because she worries that other officers won't take her seriously. Jenko tells him what happened and how she had to hide in her bathroom all night. Jamie confesses that he ran Jake's number through the system and found previous rape charges. She gets angry and says she will report him if he brings it up again.

Maria finds that the drug dealer from the murder scene area was a man named Jose Otero. He was arrested before for drug charges and his bail was paid for by Shania.

Near Jake's apartment, Jenko sneaks up on him with her baton at the ready. Jamie stops her and tells her this decision could ruin her life. He wants her to do things the right way but she doesn't want to be seen as the victim. He says she won't be alone, he's there for her.

Danny brings in Jose for questioning. He can't get any information out of him so Maria thinks that Jose and Shania are covering for each other.

Jamie and Jenko confront Jake while he is eating lunch at a restaurant. Jenko arrests him and tells the woman he was with that she is lucky it didn't happen to her.

Frank's information from Gallo checks out and the body of the witness is found in a shallow grave. He hands Dino the name and address of the man who killed the witness. Dino asks how Frank was able to get all of this evidence when OSID has put all of their resources into this but have come up empty. Frank tells Moore that he wants Gallo charged with hindering prosecution for refusal to cooperate in the investigation. He says to have it showed on the news as well.

Danny warns that Jose has two strikes against him so if he finds any evidence against him he will be in jail for a long time. He asks Jose to write down everything he remembers from the day of the murder. Danny then moves onto Shania and points out Jose writing. He says that he placed the blame on Shania and is writing his confession. Danny convinces her to admit to being the murderer. She says it was an accident and she was high off of the drugs Jose gave her.

Deshawn meets with Danny right after he's released. His first lawyer offered him a deal for 15 years in prison. Danny is glad he didn't take that deal and Deshawn thanks him for all the help.

Jenko tells Jamie that he's a real pain but thanks him for convincing her to come forward about what happened. They leave to go eat dinner together.

Frank meets Gallo in his hospital room and talks about his arraignment. Romano even offered to pay for Gallo's lawyer fees. Gallo asks how he can ever repay Frank for what he has done.