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Big Man in Tehran - Recap

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Saul is led by an agent to a man in a cell. The man is Alan Bernard and Saul accuses the prisoner of spying. Alan says he only caught him with his wife and asks what he wants. Saul is there to get him out, he needs Mossad agents on the ground in Tehran. Alan suggests that he just speak to Mossad directly but Saul can't do that. He persuades Alan that it's in everyone's best interests if he helps them out.

Brody is interrogated and filmed by one of Majid's men. He explains how he has come to be in Iran and asks for asylum. Majid joins in on the questioning and asks who sent him here. Brody requests a break but Majid refuses to stop.

Carrie checks into a hotel in Iran. She speaks French to the concierge and is given a room.She leaves the hotel soon after arriving. She heads to Masud Sherazi's house, Fara's uncle, and asks about the package. He offers to give it to her after she explains what is going on. She admits that they work at the CIA and she hands Masud a photo of Fara. He pulls a phone out of a drawer and hands it to Carrie. Masud asks if there's anything else she needs.

General Akbari asks for a meeting with Majid. He's busy but he agrees to meet in his office. Akbari asks if Brody is telling the truth. Majid is still verifying the story and suggests that Akbari sit down with Brody himself, to make a judgement.

Carrie returns to her hotel room with the phone and calls Saul. He mentions that he has two agents on the ground, ready to meet Carrie. She loses focus when she notices how pregnant she looks in the mirror. She ends the call so that she can prepare for tomorrow.

The next day. Carrie meets with the two agents in Masud's house. She explains the mission and the two men don't believe that Akbari can be taken down. They are to get Brody to safety after he finishes the assassination. They suggest Brody uses cyanide while they create a diversion using C4. Carrie volunteers to get the cyanide to Brody. When she returns to her hotel, the concierge mentions that two men have been waiting for her. They lead her through an underground tunnel to Majid. He tells Carrie that Akbari will be meeting with Brody soon. She hands him the cyanide to give to Brody. He reminds her that the primary goal for the mission is to kill Akbari, not rescue Brody.

Back in Washington, Saul outlines the mission to his team. When Brody is near Akbari, one of the Mossad agents will detonate a bomb, allowing Brody to murder Akbari. He will then exit the building and be delivered to a safe house a few hours later. Peter asks where Carrie is and why she won't be pulled out first. Saul says that's not the way that Carrie sees it.

In the morning, Brody is woken up by a man who instructs him to put some clothes on. He is lead to the building where the mission was supposed to take place. Carrie is surprised when Brody is taken away by the men. She follows in a car with one of the Mossad agents. Akbari heads to a house and Brody's car follows close behind. Saul informs Carrie that the meeting is on. Carrie stops nearby to assess the situation. The Mossad agents want to wait for another chance but she says this is the only chance they have. The bomb is in place when Brody meets with Akbari in the street. As Brody approaches, he moves the cyanide into his hand. When Brody gets near him though, Akbari gets in a car and his men drive off. Brody is led into a nearby house. Saul wants to know who lives there and Dar Adul informs him that Nassrin lives there. He tells Carrie and she recognizes Nassrin as Abu Nazir's widow. Saul explains to Adul that Akbari is using Nassrin to check out Brody. He had previously lived with her for two years.

Brody speaks to Nassrin about the struggles they have both been through. He explains that he had nowhere but Tehran to go to. He wants to stop running. When he exits the house, a crowd of supporters have gathered outside. They praise Brody and ask why he is there. He greets them and states that he's seeking asylum in the only place he can find peace. He is led into a car where a guard tells him that he's a big man in Tehran. He hangs his arm out the window and throws the cyanide away.

Six days later, Saul watches a television interview where Brody states that Iran is his home. Lockhart tells him that the mission was always a long shot, especially the Brody portion. Adul doesn't think that Brody will ever get near Akbari now. Brody didn't meet with the rendezvous so Lockhart thinks he's a serious liability now. Lockhart believes that Brody is actually on Iran's side and worries that he will expose Majid. He suggests that they kill Brody because the president wants it resolved.

Saul calls Carrie who believes that Brody is still trying to carry out the plan. He tells Carrie to come back on a plane but she doesn't want to abandon Brody. She agrees to talk about it more when she's back in America. Saul doesn't think she will come back and tells Adul to carry through with the plan. Carrie calls Masud and asks for one more favor.

Masud greets Brody at the mosque he attends and slips him a phone. He states that a friend will call him now. Brody manages to get a moment away from his guard and receives a call from Carrie. She's across the court yard and warns him that Saul is nervous. Carrie's worried that they are going to cut their losses and kill Brody. He says he has nowhere to go but she pleads with him to come with her. She sees two men and warns him that he's being hunted right now. He hangs up and tells her to get out of here. Brody manages to escape from the two Mossad agents. Back home, Lockhart wonders who could have warned him. Saul calls Carrie to tell her that she screwed up their plan.

Brody runs to Nassrin's house and tells her that he needs to speak with Akbari. He claims to have knowledge about Majid. She agrees to set up a meeting.

Adul informs Saul that Majid told him that Brody has arrived at the Revolutionary headquarters. Lockhart believes that Brody is about to bring the whole thing down.

Brody is brought into Akbari's office to speak with him. Once the two are alone, Akbari asks why anyone would try to kill Brody. He states that the CIA has planned for Majid to take Akbari's job. Brody admits that he was sent to take Akbari out so that Majid could take his job. Akbari thanks him for the information and promises to take care of Majid. Brody grabs a bowl and knocks Akbari out with it. He finds a pillow and holds it over his face. Akbari starts to regain consciousness but Brody finishes him off. He takes a cell phone from the desk and calls Carrie. He tells her of Akbari's death and asks her to get him out of there.