The show will follow a young Louis XIV from 1660, 17 years into his reign when he is 22, on his journey to become the most powerful monarch in Europe, from his battles with the fronde through his development into the Sun King.
'The first season will see the young King evolve to become the Sun King, the King of the Kings. Characters both real or fictional, from courtesans to humble paysans, will guide us through a world of betrayals and secrecy, political manoeuvres and war declarations, revealing Versailles in all of its glory and brutality. A golden cage where arrivists, ready to do anything to get in, will never be able to get out.'
Episode Info
Some difficult steps have be taken to preserve the royal reputation, while flamboyant Philippe causes a stir of his own. The King hopes that humiliating a suspect noble will bring others to heel.
Louis the Fourteenth attempts to stamp his authority on court and country, but faces resistance and betrayal.