$5+ Monthly $10+ Ones
TVRage API Donations
Goal: $2,000+ / Donated: $50
Before TVRage had some technical and security issues and went offline our API was serving over 14 million daily requests, TVRage Services (API) consumes the most resources of our network and servers but we would still like to bring this back online. Aside from a donation request target of $2000, we also implemented a monthly donation plan for those who are willing to help keep it online so it isn't affected in the future by anymore downtime. Once the target has been met we will be able to put the servers online safely and securely. We understand that we have let down the users of our API and we apologize for the downtime and inconvenience it could of caused, we have created the email [email protected] for businesses or individuals who want to discuss any future service agreements. You may also use our paypal email address "[email protected]" — Thanks for your help and support, The TVRage Staff  |  Donations History: API Site
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UBB Code
UBB Results  
[b]Bold[/b] Bold Make Text Bold
[i]Italic[/i] Italic Make Text Italic
[u]Underline[/u] Underline Underline Text
[s]Scratch[/s] Scratch Scratch Text
Center The Text
Will make a line in the specified color
[url=http://URL]Url Text[/url] TVrage Website Making a Hyperlink
[email=EMAIL]E-mail[/email] Mail Making a Hyperlink for email
[show=2930] Buffy the Vampire Slayer Creates an Automatic Link to a TV Show by ID,
Click Here To Search For IDs
[img:200]http://img_url[/img] Showing An Image with a width of 200px (max 550px).
Will automatically determine width if image exists and [img]http://[/img] format is used
[color=black]Text[/color] Text Color The Text
[mark=green]Text[/mark] Text Highlight The Text
[spoiler]This is a spoiler[/spoiler] This is a spoiler Will "hide" the text and will be visible when highlighted
[size=4]Text[/size] Text Resize the Text
[face=Arial]Text[/face] Text Use Different Font
  1. List1
  2. List2
Making Ordered List
  • List1
  • List2
Making Unordered List