"The Haunting Of" is an original series featuring world-renowned psychic-medium Kim Russo as she gives an exclusive look at celebrities who have had their lives changed by paranormal events. Each one-hour episode of The Haunting Of... will feature celebrities’ real life encounters with the paranormal as they return to the site of their traumatic experience. During these gripping journeys, Kim Russo unlocks the secrets that haunted each celebrity and explains the unexplained. Kim also unveils shocking psychic moments and surprising personal revelations as she tunes into the celebrities’ personal lives and connects with their loved ones who have crossed over. (Source: The Biography Channel)
Episode Info
Ernie Hudson goes back to the remote mountain lodge in Arizona where he and his family had a run in with a terrifying supernatural force.Kim Russo finds out about the dark history of the lodge.
Kesha pays another visit to a bed and breakfast where she had a paranormal apparition. Kim Russo finds out about the bed and breakfast's shocking past.