"The Amityville Horror Murders" - Documentary examines the origins of a famous haunted house case while exploring the grisly mass murder that served as a genesis for the story In 1974, a son killed his entire family in their home as they slept. A year later, a new family moves into their house and experiences supernatural forces giving birth to America's most famous haunted house franchise. This documentary explores whether "The Amityville Horror" was horror or hokum. (Source: REELZ TV)
Episode Info
Documentary examines the origins of a famous haunted house case while exploring the grisly mass murder that served as a genesis for the story In 1974, a son killed his entire family in their home as they slept. A year later, a new family moves into their house and experiences supernatural forces giving birth to America's most famous haunted house franchise. This documentary explores whether "The Amityville Horror" was horror or hokum.
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