The Adventures of Sam

An animated action/adventure series set in the 19th century, a time when the world was excited by the discoveries of strange and faraway places. Sam is a 14-year-old orphan boy who escapes from the colony of Sydney in a quest to find his rebellious older brother Tom. He is unofficially adopted by Captain Billy Branscombe, master of a merchant sailing ship, and his 13-year-old daughter Bridie. Together they sail the world encountering all kinds of people, incidents and escapades. Rebellions in China, crocodiles and headhunters in Borneo, slave traders in the Pacific Islands - these experiences and more provide the backdrop that tests Sam's courage and ability and challenge his determination to overcome the obstacles thrown in his path.

Episode Info

Emma Jane Fowler (1)Emma Jane Fowler (1)
As Bridie Branscombe
Justin RosniakJustin Rosniak
voiced Sam Donahue
Lewis Fitz-Gerald (1)Lewis Fitz-Gerald (1)
voiced Captain Billy Branscombe

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Classification: Animation
Genre: Children Cartoons | Action | Adventure | Children | Fantasy
Status: Canceled
Network: ABC ( Australia)
Runtime: 24 Minutes
Premiere: 1999
Ended: 1999
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