"THE ADDRESS", a 90-minute feature length documentary by Ken Burns, will air on PBS in the spring of 2014. The film tells the story of a tiny school in Putney Vermont, the Greenwood School, where each year the students are encouraged to practice, memorize, and recite the Gettysburg Address. In its exploration of the Greenwood School, the film also unlocks the history, context and importance of President Lincoln’s most powerful address. (Source: PBS)
Episode Info
This film showcases the Greenwood School in Putney, Vermont -- where students grappling with an array of learning challenges use the Gettysburg Address as a tool for success. Each student is tasked with memorizing Abraham Lincoln's 10-sentence masterpiece, and at year's end, recite it before their classmates and teachers. The film uses the contemporary story to reveal the history, context and importance of one of the greatest speeches in US history.