Teen Mom 2 is a spin-off of the MTV documentary series "16 and Pregnant". The show follows the stories of four girls from the second season of 16 and Pregnant and documents the challenges of their first years of motherhood. Each episode interweaves stories of four teenage girls who are navigating the bumpy terrain of adolescence, growing pains, and coming of age - all while facing the responsibility of being a young mother.
Each story offers a unique look into the wide variety of challenges young mothers can face: marriage, relationships, family support, or lack thereof, adoption, finances, rumors among the community, graduating high school, starting college, getting (or losing) a job and the daunting and exciting step of moving out of the nest to create their own families. (Source: MTV)
Episode Info
An emotional meltdown over Barb ruins Jenelle’s fun day with her sons.. Kailyn and Javi’s marriage is dangerously close to divorce. Chelsea celebrates milestones with Aubree.
Jenelle’s medical woes lead to a disastrous fight with Barbara. Leah and Miranda make amends. Aubree drops a big question on Adam. Kailyn rebuilds her relationship with Jo but distances herself from Javi.