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Show Amount 31320
Show Summaries 21930 (70.02%)
Show Pics 25080 (80.08%)
Shows with a foreign summary 250 (0.8%)
Amount of assigned cast members 155620
Amount of assigned crew members 168841
Amount of shows with an editor 480
People Amount 317684
People Images 75905 (23.89%)
People Bios 4399 (1.38%)
People Galleries 89338
Amount of people with an editor 245
Episode Amount 1159264
WIth Summary 309750 (26.72%)
Episodes with a recaps 10153 (0.88%)
With Screencap 59774 (5.16%)
Episodes with a foreign summary 3635 (0.31%)
Amount of assigned songs 43443
Episodes with a foreign recap 27 (0%)
Amount of assigned episode cast members 1188331
Amount of assigned episode crew members 679080
Total Members 94966
Contributed 6989 (7.36%)
Total RSS Requests 327901049
Total Quickinfo Requests 3079274662

CW Unveils Posters for New Fall Shows, 'Emily Owens, M.D.,' 'Arrow,' and 'Beauty and the Beast'

The CW has a pretty..

The Mindy Project Casts Love Interest Tommy Dewey

Mindy Kaling made the wise decision to leave The Office for a fresh project to air..

Noel Gallagher Reveals He Turned Down Olympics Closing Ceremony Performance

Oasis was notably absent from London's Olympics Closing..
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