Ties that Bind" revolves around Allison McLean, a tough and experienced police detective in suburban Seattle. Like most working women, her hands are already full, balancing a demanding and dangerous job and a family -- husband Matt, and teenagers Jeff and Rachel. But when she and her partner, Devin, must arrest her brother, Tim, for aggravated assault, her world drastically changes as Tim is convicted and sent to prison leaving his two teenagers, Cameron and Mariah, teetering on the brink of foster care. Having done the right thing as an officer of the law, Allison now feels compelled to do the right thing as a sister and aunt; she brings Tim's two very unhappy teens into her home. Squeezing four teenagers under one roof proves to be an additional test of Allison's strength and patience. It won't be easy for her husband, her children or Tim's kids either. In addition to investigating local crimes, the series will also focus on the joys and struggles of the teens as they adjust to their new home, their new high school, make new friends and experience love, romance, anger and jealousy.