Jackson and the team don animal masks, break into the zoo, and lead animals out into a truck. As a woman paints graffiti on a sign, Jackson runs up and says that security is closing in. Mitch and Chloe say that they got what they came for. Security guards arrive and order them to stop. Another man in a mask with the team, Ray, goes for his gun.
20 Hours Earlier
In Boston, the team stops at a diner to get some food and try to work out their next move. Jackson wonders if they can get fake IDs from the man who made Jamie's papers, but Chloe warns that it will take longer than they have. Mitch and Jamie are checking the Internet to find an electroporator so they can combine the leopard's stem cells with the Mother Cell. Jamie realizes that the optometrist in Mobile had an electroporator, and they figure that Evan Lee went there to find a cure. Mitch warns that it's a specialized piece of equipment, and they can find it at genetics labs and certain hospitals.
They go back to their car where Abraham is listening to the radio. The CDC is giving an interview about how they believe a virus is causing the aberrant animal behavior. Jackson suggests that they go to Clearwater, Florida, because there's a way there to get back to Africa. Abraham realizes that his friend is thinking about Ray and warns against the man. He tells the others that Ray is a nightmare.
In Clearwater, Ray Endicott is on the docks getting beaten up by local fishermen. Jackson and the others arrive and Ray hails Jackson and Abraham, sarcastically saying that now they wander the world doing good work. The fishermen explain that Ray released shrimp from their holds and tell him that he has to stop. Ray insists that they're capturing other fish as well, and the sailors leave after warning that it's not over. Abraham points out that Ray almost got them killed in Nairobi, and Ray insists that they were on the right side helping him fight poachers. Jackson explains that they need to get to Africa off the books, and Ray says that it'll take more money than they got. He admits that he's a last resort, and then says that it might not cost them anything... if they help him and his friends that night when they break into a zoo to liberate the animals.
The team retires to a motel in Clearwater and Jackson explains that Ray is an ex-Marine and animal rights activist. Mitch warns that Ray and the people he works with are zealots and don't know anything about animal welfare. Jackson agrees but points out that they don't have another option to get to Africa. Chloe agrees with him, but Abraham warns that it's a terrible idea. He checks the TV and sees Ronnie giving a press conference about Jamie. As Mitch says that they can get an electroporator at the zoo, Abraham calls them to the TV. Ronnie has identified all five team members.
The team meets Ray and his fellow activists, Anissa Woods and Cody Gibson. Mitch is less than impressed with them, and Anissa is happy that the animals are finally fighting back. Jackson suggests that they try a stealthy approach by having Jamie and Mitch get some inside information.
Soon, Jamie calls the security guard Greg at the zoo, posing as a doctor. She says that she needs access to the CCTV feeds to monitor an experiment while she's at a conference. Jamie checks the zoo records and uses the names to bolster her story, and Greg sends her the security codes. Once she hangs up, Jamie tells Mitch that she doesn't know that what they're doing is a good idea. She worries what will happen if it doesn't work, and Mitch says that he has faith in her. Anissa and Cody come over with the equipment they requested, and Jamie explains that she's logging into the security cameras and will track the security guards. Cody worries that it's complicated, and Mitch assures them that Jamie has it.
That night, Abraham and Jackson bypass the security systems without disabling the cameras. Once the alarms are deactivated, Jackson and the team don animal masks, break into the zoo, and Mitch and Chloe get the electroporator. Meanwhile, Jackson and Anissa go to the zebra pen and get the creatures out.
Jamie spots a guard heading for them and warns Jackson and Anissa. They hide without spooking the zebra, Once the guards go past, Jackson and Anissa take the zebra to Cody to load on the truck and go back to help Ray. Ray is leading two camels out, and Jamie realizes that she's got two of the feeds crossed. She warns Jackson, who goes to get the others. Mitch and Chloe meet them at the truck, and everyone gets into the truck. The guards arrive and tell them to remove their masks, and Ray opens fire. Abraham takes one guard out and the other one shoots Cody down and wounds Ray.
The team gets Ray back to the activists' base, and Mitch tries to save his life. Anissa gathers the supplies Mitch needs, and tells Abraham that they'll get the team to the plane once they save Ray's life. She finally tells them that Ray is the pilot.
At the FBI HQ in Boston, Singer tells Ronnie that he received a report of a break-in at the Clearwater Zoo. When Singer confirms that the electroporater was taken, Ronnie figures that the people he's looking for are in Clearwater.
Abraham tells Jackson that he can fly the plane and he and Anissa prepare to drive to where it's kept. Before Abraham goes, Jackson admits that getting involved with Ray was a bad idea. Abraham finally tells him that Jackson is making the same kind of poor decisions that Robert did. Inside, Mitch warns that the bullet is in a bad place. He starts cutting while Jamie holds Ray down. He passes out from the pain, and Mitch extracts the bullet.
As Anissa drives Abraham through town, she asks why he and Ray don't get along. Abraham says that Ray has always been trouble, and Anissa explains that when she met Ray in the Marine Corps, he was pairing bomb-sniffing bombs with disabled guests. Unimpressed, Abraham explains that he met Ray when the activist booked a spot on one of their safaris. He used their safari as a cover to scope out poachers, and the poachers traced Ray back to them and beat up Jackson. Abraham arrived in time to save his friend, but later Ray had a shipment of weapons delivered to their business and they were almost arrested. Another time in Nairobi, Ray convinced Jackson to take on some big-game hunters. Abraham didn't want anything to do with it, but he learned it was a trap and rescued them. Anissa says that Ray considers Abraham a hero, but Abraham says that what he had to do to save them was terrible. She suggests that maybe Jackson is the magnet for trouble.
Jackson gets water for the animals, and Chloe wonders what's bothering him. As he talks about how long it's seemed since they met in Africa, the rescued animals start banging at the walls of the truck. They check on them and watch as a warthog casually enters a cage containing a serval. The wild African cat isn't attacking its natural prey. The animals start growling at them, and Jackson gets Chloe out of the truck. They go back inside and tell Mitch what happened, and how the hostility passed from one animal to the next. Mitch suggests that it could be an emotional contagion. They figure that the aberrant animal behavior has been increasing as it is passed from animal to animal. Jackson remembers Robert calling it "the spark," spreading like wildfire across the world and it would be impossible to stop.
The next day, Anissa drives to the hangar and admits that they've never lost anyone before. Abraham suggests that she and Ray should refocus their efforts, but Anissa says that they are just the tip of the organization. She suggests that Abraham joins them, and he admits that he appreciates their beliefs but don't support their methods.
Ronnie arrives at the Clearwater hospital and questions Cody about the electroporator. When he refuses to answer his questions, Ronnie jabs a finger into his bullet wounds, shows him photos of the team, and asks where he can find them.
As Jackson and Mitch pack, Mitch points out that Jackson should have known Ray would get them into trouble. Jamie joins them and Mitch says that they'll leave Ray behind. As the team goes to the truck, Ray comes out and aims a gun at them. He insists on going to the plane with them, and taking the animals with them. Chloe explains that something is wrong with them but Ray refuses to hear it and orders them in. Jackson volunteers to ride in the back because there's not enough room in the cab, and Chloe goes with him.
As Mitch drives the truck to the airport, Ray thanks him for saving his life. Mitch suggests that he might have left a nickel in his chest to keep him from getting through airport security. In the back, Chloe assures Jackson that what's happening isn't his fault. He doesn't believe it, but Chloe says that they've only made it so far because of him. He tells her that despite everything that they've gone through, he's glad to have met her. They start to kiss, but the nearby zebra starts banging into its cage and the other animals join in.
Mitch hears the noise and starts to pull over, but Ray tells him to keep going.
The zebra pulls the rear door loose and it falls, hitting the car behind them. Mitch pulls the truck over and they run back as the animals come out of the back. As the police pull up, the team grabs the electroporator and run for the airport. Ronnie pulls up and realizes where the team is going, and drives after them.
Abraham starts up the cargo plane and the others get into the back. The plane takes off just as Ronnie arrive on the field, parks, and opens fire. Anissa sees him and aims her rifle, and Chloe grabs her. They both fall out of the plane as it taxis away, and Ronnie come over and let the police take Anissa while he takes Chloe into custody.