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Alan Colmes

Mostly Credited As: Alan Colmes
Birth Name: Alan Samuel Colmes
Date Of Birth: September 24, 1950 (Age 64)
Country Of Birth: USA
Birth Place: New York City, New York

Liberal half of the Fox News talk show Hannity and Colmes. On-air partner Sean Hannity debates the conservative side of issues. Also hosts his own syndicated radio show which airs on the Fox Radio Network right after his television show.

TV Appearances

Main cast 
Hannity (1996)As: Himself (Host, 1996 - 2008)
Episode Cast Credits 

Joy Behar: Say Anything! (2012) 
  Melissa Etheridge | Gavin Newsome | Alan Colmes | Michael Maslansky 01x03: (Sep/06/2012) As Himself, [Interviewees]

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart (1996) 
  Sean Hannity & Alan Colmes 08x153: (Dec/03/2003) As Himself, [Interviewees]

Brother-in-law of conservative pundit Monica Crowley.

Was once a stand-up comic.

Graduate of Hofstra University.

Is of the Jewish religious faith.

Book Red, White, and Liberal: How Left is Right and Right is Wrong was published in 2003.

Was a supporter of the Iraq War when it originally began.

Announced in December of 2008 that he would be leaving Hannity and Colmes in order to pursue other projects.

Alan Colmes Quotes

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