Following Disney's massive purhase of the 'Star Wars' franchise, the animated series 'Star Wars: The Clone Wars' was canceled, with a new animated series, 'Star Wars: Rebels' put into production. The series, helmed by Dave Filoni, Simon Kinberg, and Greg Weisman, will focus on the 19-year time period between 'Episode III: Revenge of the Sith' and 'Episode IV: A New Hope,' and the Empire's continued hunting down and extermination of the remaining Jedi in the universe (if you'll remember, the Emperor ordered their extermination at the hands of the Clone Troops in Episode III).
Now, it looks, the Empire has a new helper to carry out its killings. Simply named "The Inquisitor," this new villainous character was revealed at New York Comic-Con and will be a major villain in 'Rebels.'
Interestingly enough, he's the first new character to be added to the 'Star Wars' franchise since the Disney buyout.
If the image above is to believe, the Inquisitor is a Pau'an -- a species briefly introduced in Episode III. Aesthetically, he doesn't seem too far removed from 'The Clone Wars' baddie Asaaj Ventress, with the bald white dome and the red lightsaber. While I wouldn't have minded a bit more variation in animated villains, I've got to say that the Inquisitor looks adequately intimidating.
What do you think of the new character design? Are you excited for 'Star Wars: Rebels'? The series should premiere next year on Disney XD.
Disappointed that Clone Wars was canceled, or at least that it was canceled at the point it was in its story. Rebels could be interesting, but where that's concerned, I'm more interested in Darth Vader and Senator Organa than I am in some new light saber-wielding villain. I notice he's in an Imperial uniform (ensignia on his shoulder) yet wields a light saber. We'll see, I suppose. Clone Wars turned out (after a bumpy start) to be a very pleasant surprise.