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Mitt Romney books first television interview since election

After many months of silence, Mitt Romney has granted his very first post-presidential election interview to none other than Fox News Sunday. The announcement was made Sunday on the show by its host, Chris Wallace, who said that in the interview Mitt and his wife Ann Romney (who is also to appear) will be asked “about the campaign, how they have dealt with their defeat, and what Gov. Romney thinks of Obama’s second term agenda.”

When Sen. John McCain lost the election to President Obama’s back in 2008, he opted to go with a much lighter hearted interview than the Sunday news show. McCain appeared only a week after losing the election on The Tonight Show With Jay Leno to chat good naturedly about the campaign and his loss.

The interview is scheduled to air on Sunday, March 3rd, with additional excerpts from the interview to appear on other Fox News programs on Monday. This interview is likely the cause of the rumours that have been swirling about that Sen. Romney was planning on joining Fox News as a contributor. After months of remaining out of the spotlight, it may be interesting to see what the former Republican candidate has to say on the show.

Will you be watching Romney’s Fox News Sunday interview?


- Fox News Sunday
- Mitt Romney
- Ann Romney
- Barack Obama

Written by: Rachel Anne
Feb 25th, 2013, 9:02 pm

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