The Jackass-esque, anarchic comedy series Loiter Squad is returning to Adult Swim on March 10, and this time, it'll be featuring a few more faces. The bizarrely hilarious series, which features the immature antics of its teenaged stars (Odd Future's Tyler the Creator, Jasper Dolphin, L-Boy, and Taco), will have a second season that consists of more of the same wonderful idiocy, as shown by the trailer below.
The trailer also heralds the addition of some new faces to the group, though -- particularly Earl Sweatshirt. Earl, who returned from Samoa a year ago, missed the filming of the first season, and has been busy at work on his upcoming album, Doris, for much of the past year. But the 18-year-old rapper found time to participate in some gross-out pranks for Loiter Squad, it appears.
Joining him will be Workaholics star Blake Anderson, who is seen in the trailer shocking himself in the mouth. You'll also be able to see Anderson this summer in the fourth season of Arrested Development.
It is also worth mentioning that the trailer sees the long-awaited return of Thurnis Haley, one of Tyler's funniest recurring characters.
Check out the trailer for Loiter Squad season 2 below. The season premieres March 10 on Adult Swim.