Bill Maher put his money where his mouth is and now Donald Trump wants to make the liberal talk show host pay.
Trump is reportedly about to file a lawsuit against Maher after Maher refused to pay up on his "unconditional offer" to donate $5 million to charity if Trump could provide a birth certificate that proved he was not the “spawn of his mother having sex with orangutan.” Maher's offer was a dig at Trump's repeated attempts to disprove President Barack Obama's nationality through his birth certificate.
Don't expect to see the Donald collecting anytime soon, however.
"Trump would have to prove that Maher’s words and conduct demonstrated, objectively, that he intended to be bound by his statement, and that he was not merely making a joke," said New York lawyer Dori Ann Hanswirth. "Given the outrageousness of Maher’s statement, the amount of money involved, and the fact that his statement was made on a comedy TV show, it seems that Trump has an uphill battle here."
Should Maher pay up? Or should the Donald let this go? Regardless of what happens, I cannot wait to see HBO's Real Time with Bill Maher when Maher can discuss this publically. Maybe he can have Trump on to discuss it!
Trump is that kind of asshole you've encountered who's so uptight that they find some way of deflating a totally good joke. Then again, it's kind of Maher's fault for giving Trump attention.
However, I heard about this quite a bit before Real Time returned from hiatus, so Maher has evidently chosen not to talk about. Maybe he sees that giving this assclown the media feed his ego desires is only going to delay his fade into the cultural background.