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Grammys Honor Steve Jobs with Posthumous Award

The Grammys won't be airing until Feburary 2012, but their is still plenty of news to share. The Recording Academy announced today that Steve Jobs has won a  Special Merit Award for his work with the music industry. Of course this is for his work with iTunes and the iPod which revolutionized how we consume digital downloads for music.  

Steve Jobs Holding an iPhone

Apple soldiers on despite the death of the CEO  Steve Jobs.Tim Cook has taken over the riegns of the company as Jobs successor. He was hand picked by the ailing visionary.Apple continues to dazzle us with their creativity. A video made to celebrate the acquisition of the Beatles catalogue has gathered over 700,000 views on Youtube since its debut December 1st. It tells the story of the Beatles through the covers to their albums.
The Grammy nominees were announced in November of this year. Artists with nominations include Foo Fighters, Adele, Lady Gaga, Bruno Mars, and Bon Iver. You can check out the full list on Idolator. The show will be broadcast live Feburary 12th  on CBS.

One infamous gag from the Simpsons put forth this opinion about the Grammys:

Homer Simpson: Oh why won't anyone give me an award?
Lisa Simpson: You won a Grammy.
Homer Simpson: I mean an award that's worth something.
[announcement on the bottom of the screen- Legal Disclaimer: Mr. Simpson's opinions do not reflect those of the producers, who don't consider the Grammy an award at all]

How do you feel about this year’s nominations? Will you tune in?

- The Grammys

Written by: susans
Dec 21st, 2011, 1:29 pm

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