If-Then-Else - Person of Interest Recap


For someone who watches as much TV as me, it can often become a bore no matter how good the show. But then there are shows that restore your faith in the gods of television, and jolt you out of your doldrums. And 'Person of Interest' is one such show. And tonight's "If-Then-Else" is one such episode.

Tonight's episode was the best episode of the show. Ever. They'll never top it. Give Denise The an Emmy for best writer. I can't say why, without giving away spoilers, and even this recap doesn't quote it all. Although it does reflect the weaving spaghetti threads of realities and alternate realities that Ms. The wove together tonight.

Check out the quotes on the episode page for more of a feel. Although really, you'd have to watch the episode to really see the actors play out the lunacy. Which is a shame, because this is an episode that doesn't work without a decent familiarity about the show's backstory.

'Nuff said. Watch, read, whatever. If not, it's your loss.


Market values start fluctuating on Wall Street. Outside, Root meets with Finch and tells him that Samaritan plans to take down the market. They both realize that the crash could send the world into collapse. The market values start going back up and Root warns Finch that Samaritan is engineering the rebounds to keep the computer failsafes from kicking in. She has a briefcase containing a hard drive, and explains that the Machine had a hacker create it as a countermeasure. However, it has to be deployed on-site. Finch says that he'll contact Fusco and Reese to help, while Sam deals with new numbers.

Root calls Sam, who pulls a man a broker named Harvey off a ledge. She's eager to go with them, but Root reminds her that she's being hunted by Samaritan operatives. However, she needs Sam to do her a favor and tells her to get a metro card.

Lambert checks in with Greer and tells him that the operation is going as planned. Greer assures Lambert that Samaritan knows what it's doing in its plan to establish a new world order. He warns that Finch and his team will try to stop them, but they'll receive a rude awakening when they try.

Root and Finch go to the Exchange and claim to be technicians there to work on the lobby cameras. The security guard glances at the monitors, just as Reese takes the cameras out. He's at a service entrance with Fusco, and they restore the camera to correspond with Finch's work.  Root and Finch go in, and  Finch tells Reese that the Exchange had a closed surveillance system that neither AI could access... until now. Reese and Fusco join them in the elevator and they head down to the sub-level. Finch tells Fusco that 90% of the trades are processed in the downstairs servers, and Root explains that they have to deal with the biometric hand scanner.

Sam is following a man who works for the company that handles the Exchange security. The man has an administrative code that bypasses the hand scanner. As Sam approaches the man, a man named Gary tells the investment broker sitting next to him that he used to work for him, and lost all of his money. Gary then handcuffs himself to the broker and reveals that he has a bomb vest. As everyone panics, Sam tells Root that she'll have to get back to her with the code.

The team enter the server antechamber just as the Machine accesses the surveillance system. It spots two men taking out guns and warns Root, and she realizes that it's a trap. The lights go off and the elevator locks down, and Samaritan's assault team opens fire on them. They duck into a break room and the Machine evaluates possible strategies at lightning speed, reviewing its training protocols and core precepts.


Finch is contemplating a chess board but no one is seated opposite him. A man comes over and offers him a game, but Finch says that he's playing with a friend and they're indecisive. Once the man leaves, Finch texts the Machine and explains how the permutations are nearly endless. He warns his creation that even it can't predict every possible move, but there are an equally endless number of ways to fix any mistakes. Finch tells it to just relax and play. After a moment, the Machine texts its first move.


The Machine gives Root an option and she tells Finch to go through the door with her, while Reese and Fusco go to the elevator and cut the tension cable to the elevator lock. When Reese wonders how, Root tells him that the Machine will tell him when they get there. The team steps out, firing, and takes down the Samaritan agents. The group splits up and two more enemies open fire. Root takes them out as they request backup.

Greer is monitoring the situation and contacts Martine on site. She wonders if she should retrieve Finch and Root, and Greer tells her that he has another party on the way. He wants Martine to split her group up and cover all exits, and tells her to enjoy herself. Martine and her people soon intercept Reese and Fusco, surrounding them on both sides in a hallway.

As the Samaritan agents prepare to open fire, Sam contacts Reese and says that she's having trouble getting the code. Reese says that he's busy, and Sam draws a gun on Gary and tells him that if he doesn't take off the vest then she's going to shoot him between the eyes. The man prepares to hit the trigger anyway and Sam shoots him dead just as SWAT officers arrive.

Finch and Root reach the sever room and Sam tells Root that they're on her own as the police take her away. Root tells Finch to install the software no matter what happens to her, and then shoots the lock off the door. They go in and Root takes out the server employees, and Finch goes to work. However, more agents come in and Lambert shoots Finch in the chest. Root cradles Finch in her arms and watches him die... and the Machine terminates the simulation and returns to real time.


Finch continues playing the Machine, which pares its strategy down to the most aggressive moves. He explains that the queen was once the least powerful piece in the game, and warns that the more powerful a piece is, the more useful it is as a sacrifice. As they play, Finch realizes that the Machine can consider everything in a second... except the move he makes to win the game.


The Machine gives Root an option and she tells Reese and Fusco to go to the server room and install the countermeasure software. Reese points out that they have no idea what they're doing, but Root says that it's non-negotiable,. She and Finch will go the other way to secure their escape route by releasing the tension lock on the elevator. The two groups head out and Fusco and Reese take out the two agents. This time Fusco responds to Greer's inquiry over the downed man's headset, saying that it's all clear, and Greer doesn't send Martine to intercept.

Finch and Root get to the elevator controls and realize that they have to restore power. While he restores power to the generator, Root grabs a fire axe and goes to release the tension lock.

Reese and Fusco reach the server room just as Sam calls. She wonders how to talk Gary down, and this time Reese tells her to convince Gary that his life matters. Sam takes his advice and asks Gary who he has to live for. Gary explains that his wife is sick and he can't pay the medical bills, and Sam tells him to die for something that he loves. The broker tells Sam to shoot Gary, and Gary goes for the trigger. Sam shoots him dead just as SWAT officers arrive and arrest her. She tells Reese that he's on his own.

The two men go in and take out the server employees, and Fusco goes to work. Finch sends him a text with the necessary code, while Reese takes out the Samaritan agents as they charge in. There's too many and Reese shoves Fusco out of the server room and locks the door behind him, and then types in the code. Lambert manages to shoot him in the leg and then charges in. After a brief struggle, he shoots Reese repeatedly in the chest. As Reese collapses, dying, he tells Samaritan that they're all carrying standard-issue Samaritan grenades... and reveals that he took Lambert's. Reese pulls the bin and it explodes.

Root hacks through the brick wall to the tension cable, and then calls Sam. She points out that she's a reformed killer and Sam is a psychopath, and they're perfect for each other. As Sam picks her handcuffs, she tells Root that they'll talk about their relationship if they're the last two people on the planet after Samaritan finishes its plans. Sam prepares to cut the cable and says that's good enough for her... and Martine and her people gun her down. Sam realizes that something is wrong... and the Machine terminates the simulation and returns to real time.

The Machine gives Root an option and she tells the group that they'll go to the server room together, install the countermeasures, and then restore the elevator together. As they go, Fusco  kisses Root, figuring that they're in a simulation. The team makes their way to the server, and Sam calls. This time she talks to Fusco and asks him for advice on how to talk Gary down. Fusco says that he knew someone else that considered suicide but he had no luck talking him out of it. Sam handles it on her own and tries to sympathize with him. She points out that the other passengers are going through hard times as well, and tells Gary that he's not alone. The broker tells her to shoot Gary, and the passengers yell at him to shut up. Gary says what the hell... and deactivates the vest. The SWAT officers come in and arrest Gary, but ignore Sam.

The team arrives at the server room, and Sam convinces the security man to give them the code so they can save his pension. This time the group takes all of the workers prisoner, installs the countermeasures, gets to the elevator, and get to the mechanical room. Harold gets the power up, Fusco cuts the lock, and they head back to the elevator just as Martine and her team arrive. The Machine that despite the low odds of survivability, it's the best option.


Later in the afternoon, the Machine checkmates Finch. He warns his creation that it will encounter far more formidable opponents, and admits that he doesn't enjoy playing. Chess was invited when life was a far more brutal affair when people were divided into kings and pawns. Finch tells the Machine that he doesn't envy the decisions it will have to make once he's gone. He tells the AI that people are not a thing that it can sacrifice, and none of them are more valuable than any others... even Finch.


The Machine refuses to initiate its plan because not all of the team is projected to survive.  It gives Root an option and she tells the group that they'll go to the server room together, install the countermeasures, and then restore the elevator together. This time the Machine anticipates all the possibilities. Sam talks Gary down and gets the code, and they enter the server room successfully. Finch activates the countermeasures, stabilizing the stock market, and brings the generator online. As he works, Root assures Finch that he taught the Machine well.

Fusco cuts the cable and the team heads for the elevator. Martine and her group and take down most of Martine's team. Lambert circles around and shoots at Finch, and Reese leaps in the way and takes the bullet. Root realizes that she's wounded as well and calls Sam... who arrives with the C4 from Garry's bomb vest. She tosses it out and shoots it, and Fusco and Finch get Reese out while Sam and Root fire together.

The team enters the elevator but discover that it's still locked. There's an override button at a nearby desk, and Sam realizes that she has to do it. She kisses Sam and shoves her away, and then closes and locks the elevator door. The team can only stare in horror as Sam goes across the room and hits the button, and then opens fire on the Samaritan agents. They shoot Sam repeatedly and she finally goes down. Martine walks over and prepares to put a bullet in Sam's head as the elevator ascends out of sight.

- Person of Interest
- Denise Thé
- James Caviezel
- Sarah Shahi
- Amy Acker

Written by: Van Troughton
Jan 6th, 2015, 10:34 pm

Images courtesy of CBS


Level 2 (77%)
Since: 02/Mar/10
Message Posted On Jan 7th, 2015, 7:43 am

In the last parragraph, change "She kisses Sam and shoves her away" to "She kisses Root and shoves her away".


I guess The Machine could use a quantum upgrade, not to mention that Sam arriving in the nick of time was an uncontrolled variable.

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