Marvel Has Its Luke Cage

Mike Colter

Mike Colter ('Ringer', 'The Following', 'American Horror Story: Coven') has been cast as Luke Cage in three of Marvel's five Netflix comic book adaptations to take place in 2015.

He'll be playing Luke Cage, Hero for Hire, in a 13-episode run of 'AKA Jessica Jones'. He'll then get his own 13-episode series, 'Luke Cage'. Both series will air in 2015, along with two more Netflix series involving comic book heroes Daredevil and Iron Fist. Once all four of them air, there will be a fifth series, 'The Defenders', which will combine the characters from all four series into one superhero team.

In the comics, Luke Cage, aka Carl Lucas, first appeared in 1972. He ends up in prison and volunteers for an experimental cell regeneration program. Instead Luke gains superhuman strength and durability, escapes, and sells his services as a Hero for Hire. Riding on the wave of blaxploitation movies in the 70s, the character's popularity faded along with those movies. Marvel teamed him up with Iron Fist until 1986. Since then, Luke has become an Avenger, married Jessica Jones, and had a daughter Danielle.

Luke Cage - Hero for Hire

Look for Luke and his future teammates in 2015.

- Mike Colter
- Netflix
- Marvel's Jessica Jones
- Marvel's Luke Cage

Written by: Van Troughton
Dec 23rd, 2014, 8:59 am

Images courtesy of Netflix and Marvel Comics


Level 1 (7%)
Since: 15/Jun/13
Message Posted On Dec 24th, 2014, 1:33 pm

Yessss This should be great

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