"Monster Survival Guide" is a mockumentary docu-series following the adventures of fictionalized cryptozoologist Campbell Macabre and his ragtag crew. Piecing together video footage, eyewitness reports and his own experience as a second-generation monster hunter, this flawed hero and his crew track, capture and study monsters arming viewers with the skills they'll need to survive an encounter with any of the world's most frightening creatures. (Source: National Geographic Channel)
Episode Info
Monster Survival Guide is a mockumentary docu-series following the adventures of fictionalized cryptozoologist Campbell Macabre and his ragtag crew. Piecing together video footage, eyewitness reports and his own experience as a second-generation monster hunter, this flawed hero and his crew track, capture and study monsters arming viewers with the skills they'll need to survive an encounter with any of the world's most frightening creatures.
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