Produced by 2C Media, the program examines the creatures living in the Sunshine State, including American crocodiles, alligators, Burmese pythons, sea turtles and rattlesnakes, and the threats they face.
The back-to-back, hour-long episodes will begin airing at 8 p.m. EST/PST as part of the network’s ‘Destination Wild’ strand.
In the first episode, "Florida Untamed": Gator Country, cameras follow three juvenile gators as they attempt to overcome predators and grow into adulthood. Florida Untamed: Croc Coast focuses on crocodiles threatened by coastal development, as well as other reptiles living in the world’s third-largest living coral reef. (Source: National Geographic Wild)
Episode Info
The coral islands, lush mangroves and sandy beaches of the Florida coastline may seem pleasant. But for its wild inhabitants coping with continued development, human encroachment and a host of natural predators, the edge of the sea is a paradise filled with peril. Crocs may have outlasted the dinosaurs, but now they face a different kind of pressure. Coastal development has moved in on them, dramatically altering habitats. But crocs aren't the only ones residing on this land.