Episode Quotes
Martin: I'm required to merge with Jefferson... periodically in order to maintain molecular cohesion.
Mick: Then sending him away in the jumpship probably wasn't the greatest idea.
Mick: For a Time Master, you sure waste a lot of it.
Declan: After we're finished, temporal criminals and time pirates alike will quake at the sound of your bootsteps.
Mick: Mmm, well, for your sake, you better hope that plan works. 'Cause if it doesn't that boot's gonna crush your skull.
Len: This is a bad plan.
Sara: It's Gideon's.
Len: You're not helping your argument.
Captain Cold: Somebody order up a rescue?
Martin: Mr. Snart, your timing is impeccable.
Len: Professor's in the medbay. Promises not to blow up while he's on board. Which I thought was considerate.
Ray: A future where I'm dead, apparently.
Sara: And why would they want you dead?
Mick: Have you ever listened to what comes out of his mouth?
Rip: If I'm gonna be someone's puppet, I'm gonna be the one who cuts his own bloody strings.
Mick: And I like blowing stuff up.
Ray: We set out on this mission to stop Savage and save the world. To become legends and change our fates. That mission hasn't changed.
Len: This is madness. I like it.
Mick: If I can survive not being turned into Chronos, you can survive anything they throw at you.
Ray: Thanks. I'll keep it in mind.
Mick: Well, you better, because if you tell the team I actually care, I'll shave your head.
Sara: I still feel responsible for everything I've done. And it still keeps me up at night.
Len: It's the things I didn't do that keep me up at night.
Sara: What's that?
Len: Oh, I don't know. Maybe it's being on this ship traveling through time started to wonder what the future might hold for me... and you... and me and you.
Sara: You want to steal a kiss from me, Leonard? You better be one hell of a thief.
Martin: Based on Captain Hunter's description, the Oculus is a massive temporal computer, most likely powered by a scaled-down supernova contained at the bottom of the Wellspring. Why aren't any of you more excited about this?
Sara: We're excited to blow it up.
Rip: All your posturing. All your claims about doing what's best for the timeline, about protecting history, and it all comes down to cold blooded murder.
Zaman Druce: The difference between murder and execution is only a matter of authority. I have it. You don't.
Atom: Once I do that, I say we have two minutes before this whole place goes boom.
Heatwave: How big of a boom?
Atom: On a scale of 1 to 10, a googleplex.
Ray: There seems to be a failsafe to prevent tampering, which probably includes trying to blow this thing up.
Heatwave: English, haircut.
Ray: I have to maintain contact with the failsafe in order to destroy the Oculus.
Heatwave: Not that much English.
(about Len)
Ray: He traded his life for ours. He was a hero. Which I'm pretty sure is the last thing he wanted to be remembered as.
Sara: But that's what he was.
Ray: From here on out, it's tabula rasa.
Mick: Pretend for a moment I don't speak Greek.
Ray: Latin. (Mick glares) Sorry.
Mick: Yet I still feel a need to kill someone for Snart.
Ray: Savage still has Carter and Kendra.
Mick: He'll do nicely.