"Dark Rye" is an online magazine from Whole Foods Market that explores the realms of food, health, sustainability, design, tech and social enterprise. Through our stories, recipes and creative projects, we hope to encourage you to jump-start your imaginations and inspire you to try something new.
And hey, guess what? We're now on TV too! The television debut of Dark Rye airs on pivot Wednesday, January 22, 2014. The thirty-minute show features Kirk Lombard, a Bay Area fisherman and forager, as a host, and will be broadcast at 9:30 p.m. EST/6:30 p.m. PST on Wednesday nights. (Source: Pivot)
Episode Info
Dark Rye journeys with a woodworker whose grandmother asked for a handcrafted, salvaged-wood casket. Then we journey to Africa’s Togo to seek out Cleopatra’s beauty secrets, and finally we jump on bikes with two amazing triathletes.