9x12: The Black Queen recap: In a San Jose FBI field office, in 2004, Hotch interrogates Garcia. He says they have evidence of everything she has done and she will be going to jail unless she accepts his offer. She won't go to jail if she agrees to work as a technical analyst. He states that all of her hacking activity was done to protect the innocent and she can continue to do that under him. Morgan brings in her purse so that she can write a quick resume for Hotch. She accepts the offer and Morgan unlocks her handcuffs...
read more.9x11: Bully recap: A man unlocks a chest and lets a woman out. She is bound and crying. The man sniffs her hair and takes her gag out before trying to kiss her. He hears someone upstairs and ties her back up. He listens to the ceiling creak as the FBI busts down the door. Blake and Rossi enter and tell Edward Ray Stokes that the woman is not his mother but a woman named Sheryl. Edward says she needs to die but turns his gun on Blake. Rossi shoots Edward and rushes over to make sure Blake is okay. Outside, Reid comments on how lucky Blake was not to be injured. She answers a call from her father, who asks her for some help...
read more.9x10: The Caller recap: A woman is woken up by a phone call from a child. He says he's going to get her. She tells her husband and she can't believe the police won't do anything about it. She suggests that he talk to a coworker who is a retired cop but he thinks the prank caller will get bored soon enough. The next day she goes to look for her son, Andy, but he's not in his room. There's blood on their front door and she calls the police. When she picks up the phone the prank caller asks if she saw what he did...
read more.9x9: Strange Fruit recap: A couple lays in bed together when they hear a noise. The boyfriend grabs his gun and runs to see what it is. There is another noise and he tells his girlfriend to call 911. It turns out to be a busted water main. The next morning a crew works to fix it. One worker asks the woman if it's okay that they go into her neighbor's yard...
read more.9x8: The Return recap: A woman takes her daughter to a diner for some birthday pie. The waitress brings coffee to one of her customers who has been waiting for awhile. She moves onto one of her customers who is a police officer. She returns to the young man who has been waiting and he pulls a gun on her. Several shots are fired in the diner...
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Classification: Scripted
Genre: Crime | Drama | Thriller
Status: Returning Series

Airs: Wednesdays at 09:00 pm
Runtime: 60 Minutes
Premiere: September 22, 2005
• Criminal Minds - FBI-tutkijat (Used In Finland)
• Diavolika myala ((transliterated ISO-LATIN-1 title)), (Used In Greece)
• Esprits criminels (Used In France)
• Glæpahneigð (Used In Iceland)
• Gyilkos elmék (Used In Hungary)
• Kriminális elmék (Alternate title), (Used In Hungary)
• Kurjuse kannul (Used In Estonia)
• Mentes criminales (Used In Spain)
• Minti Criminale (Used In Romania)
• Myšlenky zločince (Used In Czech Republic)
• Nusikalstami protai (Used In Lithuania)
• Quantico (working title), (Used In USA)
• Zlocinacki umovi (Alternate title), (Used In Croatia)
• Мыслить как преступник (Used In Russia)
• 犯罪心理 (Used In China)
• 罪犯解碼 (Used In Hong Kong)
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