"Celebrity Family Feud"is an upcoming game show created by NBC, and is hosted by meteorologist Al Roker. Like its counterpart, Celebrity Family Feud pits two families against each other in a contest to name the most popular responses to a survey-type question posed to 100 people. This version, which originated from the original Family Feud, features celebrity families instead of regular families, and is a revival of the primetime All-Star Specials featured during the late 1970s and early 1980s.
This version will also feature 5-player teams comprised of a celebrity captain and 4 friends and/or relatives, with a $50,000 charity payoff at stake. In addition, it will feature a modified set and use the "classic" theme music/cues. Just like the syndicated version, Celebrity Family Feud will be taped at Tribune Studios.
The 12 competing team names include:
Team Ice T
Team Rivers
Team Symoné
Team Newton
Team Engvall
Team Larry the Cable Guy
Team Mo'Nique
Team Fox
Team Bernsen
Team Cho
Team Teutul
Team Knight
(Source: http://www.popcrunch.com/al-roker-celebrity-family-feud-nbc-)