"Bottom Feeders" follows the lives and struggles of three teams of commercial fisherman as they battle Mother Nature, and each other, to bring in “the big haul” and put food on the family table. With a work ethic that is stronger than the rock-carved banks of the river they fish on, and a paycheck that is often times smaller than the tiny towns they call home, these men are true, red-blooded Americans trying to make a living by catching a freshwater fish that others rarely want – bottom-feeding fish like carp and suckers. Some are small-time, single-man operations. Others are large, automated teams. But all share a love of the river. And all are "Bottom Feeders". (Source: The Outdoor Channel)
Episode Info
Mike and Rick are traveling back to their childhood home to pull with Rick’s new Minnesota license. Then, Jedd has high hopes of turning over a new leaf. But while pulling a 750,000 pound load, his patience is once again tested.