Episode #37 – REWIND Episode – Redo the last POV Comp, Live Eviction #13 & the Final HoH Comp – Day #89 - Recap

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“As much as I love Frankie in this game,” Head of Household Caleb says, he still feels when it comes to Frankie the competitor, he had “to strike first.” Nominee Frankie feels “totally blindsided,” but admits he is definitely a huge “glittery target” left in the house. Fellow nominee Victoria may be up on the block for an eighth time, but she is confident she’ll make it to the final four over Frankie. Having never even been on the block all season, Derrick is certain he’s “dodged a serious bullet,” and now has to focus on winning the rewind Veto competition so he can send Frankie home.

Frankie goes to Caleb in the main bathroom, and asks why he’s nominated. When Caleb stammers about scenarios and why it’s “not fair” to put Derrick up, Frankie is left senseless—the guy’s never been nominated once! Caleb tells Frankie he needs to win the Veto, so then Derrick goes up and Victoria goes home. Meanwhile Derrick and Cody congratulate themselves on being safe so far this week and refocus their energies on the Veto competition.

Later Frankie revisits his conversation with Caleb, but this time out by the pool table. Caleb, always one to be honest, finally gives Frankie a reason for why he went up—if Frankie won the Veto and took Victoria off the block, one of the remaining boys would go home. Frankie is exasperated, and noted if he wanted to do that he would have done it last week when he was the HoH. When Frankie asks how this idea came up, Caleb admits it was when he and Cody were talking. Cody arrives for this part of the conversation, and as Caleb keeps talking, Derrick enters. Both Cody and Derrick are frustrated with Caleb, because his inability to keep quiet about what was really going on all week is bad for all their games. “Shut your mouth,” Cody says in Diary Room. “Frankie’s gonna be gunning for all of us now!” But it’s too late, because Frankie walks away from the conversation knowing where Cody and Derrick stand.

Cody and Frankie Don’t Repeat the Past

Unlike past competitions, everyone knows the Veto will be the same “BB Freak Show” comp they played last week, which is why everyone is studying the memory wall so closely. Soon after, Frankie gets called into Diary Room and finds a Team America envelope. Team America is over, but he and Derrick are now playing for themselves. There is one last chance at a prize—if either of them win BIG BROTHER, they take home an extra $50,000!

Time for the Veto competition! Cody is up first in the circus-themed competition, where he must look at photo mash ups of “freaks” and figure out which HouseGuests were combined to create the circus side shows. A poor performer last week, Cody vows to plow throughout the competition, and finishes in 2:21. He fears it’s not good enough, and heads up to the HoH Suite to watch how the others fare. Caleb and Victoria compete against the 2:21 time, and fail to finish before the buzzer. Frankie comes out and is shocked by how little time he has to compete! When he doesn’t recognize Amber’s eyes in a mash up, he goes over the 2:21. Derrick finishes up last, and when he chokes, Cody wins the Veto! Frankie is wrecked—he won both competitions last week, and now he’s in danger of going home. All he can hope is Derrick and Cody will stick to their word this week. At the Veto meeting, Cody decides not to change up the nominations. Frankie makes a last-ditch plea to Derrick and Cody, pointing out if he stays they will be safe, because he’s definitely going to seek revenge against Caleb. But will either of them buy it? In this special eviction episode, Host Julie Chen chimes into the living room for the final pleas. Frankie tells the boys he kept them all safe last week and he will honor the final four. “Go Grande, or go home,” he says with great flourish. By a 2-0 vote, Frankie is evicted from the house, but before he goes he gives Caleb the king chess piece, reminds Derrick to feed the HoH bathroom fish, encourages Victoria to finally win something, and slams Cody by telling him, “I’ve had better.”

Going Out Grande!

After throwing glitter, Frankie sits with Julie, who asks Frankie what he thinks of Cody. Frankie feels Cody’s been playing him “for a while.” When Julie asks if he should have turned on the guys, Frankie says that’s not who he is as a person, and reaffirms his respect for Derrick, who Frankie feels is playing hard for his wife and daughter. When Frankie tries to find out how his sister Ariana’s album is selling, Julie turns the question back to Frankie—was coming out as a celebrity’s sibling a good move? Frankie believes it absolutely was, because it turned his game around when he was at his absolute lowest. Outside in the yard the remaining HouseGuests prepare for the HoH competition, “Foggy Memory.” Derrick, Cody and Victoria must answer a series of questions based on events in the house by revealing if they happened before or after other BB events. Derrick and Cody tie with 6 correct answers each before taking the tiebreaker. When Derrick guesses the number of seconds of the most recent luxury competition, he is named HoH!