In this groundbreaking new series, all forms of transportation will be celebrated as our adventure-seeking hosts "Boston Rob" Mariano (Survivor, The Amazing Race) and Dennis Anderson (creator of the monster truck Gravedigger) battle each other, as well as the elements, in a go-for-broke race around the globe. The catch? The two rivals will have to use 80 uniquely different modes of transportation throughout the race, along the way giving a unique glimpse at how far transportation has come and where it's headed. (Source: The History Channel)
Episode Info
Last stop for Dennis and Rob! Final destination; the City of Angels in beautiful California. They ate, they drank, they travelled around the world. This bittersweet end of the journey has our heroes riding cupcake cars and breaching the salty sea like dolphins. From heli-skiing to falling out of the sky, Dennis and Rob reach great heights while searching for the final "ways" before their adventure comes to an end.