A Little Big Business is a mid-1960s British comedy series from Granada Television (not a BBC production). The fifteen episode series, told over three years (pilot in 1963, then a 5 episode series 1 in 1964, followed by a nine episode series 2 and a name change to
Little Big Business), was a father-son show, focusing on the Liebermans.
The father, Marcus Lieberman (David Kossoff), is a furniture maker and master craftsman that emigrated from Latvia. The son, Simon Lieberman (
James Maxwell (pilot) &
Francis Matthews (series)), is a highly educated, ambitious young man that desires to advance beyond the furniture maker/working class status. Simon and Marcus, being of different generations, do not always see eye-to-eye.
The pilot aired on August 8, 1963 at 7:30pm (that was a Thursday). Series 1 aired from Feb. 27 through April 2, 1964 at 7:30pm (again on a Thursday). Series 2 aired from January 14 through March 11, 1965 at 7:30pm Thursdays.