Originally conceived as a Cosby Show spin-off featuring Denise Huxtable (Lisa Bonet), A Different World evolved into a wider-ranging series about the Hillman College community, with a special emphasis on a small group of students. Southern belle Whitley Gilbert (Jasmine Guy) struggles to overcome her mother's expectations and establish her own identity. Dwayne Wayne (Kadeem Hardison) is an intelligent engineering student with an eye for the ladies who eventually tones down his goofy antics and pick-up lines to focus on his future--and one particular lady. Jaleesa Vinson (Dawnn Lewis) is a slightly older student who pursues a college education following her divorce. Dwayne's best friend Ron Johnson (Darryl M. Bell) is a loyal friend but struggling student who constantly looks for an angle and engages in money-making schemes. Kim Reese (Charnele Brown) is a very bright pre-med student who comes to room with Whitley, while free-spirited Freddie Brooks (Cree Summer) is all about conjuring up ideas to save the planet. The group also seeks guidance from Col. Brad Taylor (Glynn Turman), a no-nonsense math professor who takes Dwayne under his wing; Walter Oakes (Sinbad), a genial P.E. teacher, coach and dorm director; and Vernon Gaines (Lou Myers), the crotchety but kind proprietor of campus hangout The Pit. Streetwise Lena James (Jada Pinkett), Gina Deveaux (Ajai Sanders) and talkative Charmaine Brown (Karen Malina White) also enroll at Hillman as the show progresses. The series follows the students from undergraduate studies to graduate work and post-graduate jobs, focusing on friendships and romance as well as academics and extra-curricular activities; and offering perspectives on topics ranging from war and the AIDS epidemic to racism, date rape and domestic violence.