The Fairly OddParents is a popular animated television series created by Butch Hartman for Nickelodeon, and is distributed on Nickelodeon and on other channels worldwide. It began as a series of shorts on Oh Yeah! Cartoons from 1998 to 2001 when it was cancelled. That same year, it was decided that the show be made into a series with full-length episodes. The Fairly OddParents is one of the most popular shows on Nickelodeon, second only to SpongeBob SquarePants in popularity.
Timmy Turner, a buck-toothed ten-year-old child is probably the most depressed kid you've ever seen. His teacher bugs him all the time about the existence of fairies, his babysitter is way too evil and his parents don't believe a word he says!
Well, that is until he obtains super-terrific fairy godparents! These godparents aren't regular godparents, oh no, these are probably the most excellent, cool, and somewhat dumb godparents ever! There's Cosmo, a green-haired, crazy godparent who devours everything that looks well. Wanda is a pink-haired winter fairy who makes everything better. With an unlimited supply of wishes, Timmy takes full advantange of it, which tends to pull him into some crazy situations with the help of his godparents. But when Timmy realizes he must think before his own actions, there's always a solution.
Basically, Timmy Turner won't be sad anymore! His friends are AJ, probably as smart as Albert Einstein. He knows everything from cats to cataracts, Chester, a poor, bad baseball player who wears brackets, Elmer (AKA- The boil kid) and his boil, bob, and Sanjay, a kid whose Step-dad is a military officer. Timmy loves a girl. She's called Trixie Tang, and she's the most popular girl in the school. Timmy always tries to win her heart.
Theme Song
Timmy is an average kid,
That no one understands
Mom and Dad and Vicky always giving him commands.
Vicky: Bed twerp!
Doom and gloom up in his room,
Is broken instantly,
By his magic little fish who grant his every wish,
Cause in reality they are his Odd Parents, Fairly Odd Parents
Wanda: Wands and wings!
Cosmo: Floaty Crowny things!
Odd Parents, Fairly Odd Parents,
Really odd, pea pod, buff bod, hot rod,
Timmy: Obtuse, rubber goose, green moose, guava juice,
Giant snake, birthday cake, large fries, chocolate shake!!!
Odd Parents, Fairly Odd Parents,
It flips your lid when you are a kid with Fairly Odd Parents!
Vicky: Yeah right.
Theme song can be downloaded by clicking here