In this long-running popular comedy television series about the Huxtable family, Doctor Heathcliff Huxtable and his successful attorney wife, Clair Huxtable, a happily married couple, are raising their 5 children, Sondra, Denise, Theodore, Vanessa, and Rudy. The two oldest daughters eventually live successful adult lives and get married (Sondra to Elvin and Denise to Martin). As the children get older, the family gets larger and, to the chagrin of Cliff, keep on coming back home when he wants them to move out and live on their own for good.
Episode Info
In the second part of the two part series finale of The Cosby Show, a lot of things are happening. Denise surprises everyone by calling to announce that she's pregnant. Everyone is confused when Vanessa calls Dabnis "honey." While the ceremony is beginning, Cliff remembers back to the times when he thought that Theo would never graduate, but then becomes upset to learn that the students graduate by section instead of their names getting called out individually. That night, when Cliff and Clair have the house to themselves, they remember all the good times they've had, then the episode closes with them sharing a dance.