Justice is a drama series which is set in Liverpool and follows judge Patrick Coburn who works at the Community Justice Centre. Patrick finds his his revolutionary centre under threat from forces within as well as a dark secret that he has kept from those around him.
Jake ends up torching a car in the community centre car park as a warning following Darren and Kaz publically rebuffing him. After he is charged with arson, the team finally have the chance to take him off the streets for good. After Father Jim suffers a heart attack, the case against Jake Little begins to fall apart as nobody else is prepared to speak up against him. Coburn is finally able to find somebody to speak up but will they be able to hold their nerve in court.
Classification: Scripted Genre: Crime | Drama | Lifestyle Status: New Series Network: BBC one ( United Kingdom) Airs: Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays at 02:15 pm Runtime: 50 Minutes Premiere: April 04, 2011