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American Experience

American Experience Cast

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Michael Murphy (1)voicedNarrator (2002-)
Andre BraughervoicedNarrator (1993-2012)
Campbell ScottvoicedNarrator (2005-2012)
David Ogden StiersvoicedNarrator (1995-2011)
Philip BoscovoicedNarrator (1990-2010)
Joe MortonvoicedNarrator (1999-2010)
Linda HuntvoicedNarrator (1998-2009)
Benjamin BrattvoicedNarrator (2009)
Julian BondvoicedNarrator (1991-2008)
Blair BrownvoicedNarrator (1995-2007)
Liev SchreibervoicedNarrator (1997-2007)
Will LymanvoicedNarrator (1990-2005)
David McCulloughplayedHimself (Host 1988-1999) (132Eps.)
Classification: Documentary
Genre: History
Status: Returning Series
Network: PBS ( USA)
Airs: Tuesdays at 09:00 pm
Runtime: 60 Minutes
Premiere: October 01, 1988
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