Abby is a short-lived situation comedy that aired on UPN from January 6, 2003 to March 4, 2003. Based in San Francisco, Abby Walker has recently been promoted to the position of producer of the West Coast Sports Report on WCSR-TV. But not all is well in Abby's life, as her professional career advances, her personal relationships decline (just broke up with her boyfriend Will Jeffries, a photographer). Unfortunately for her own state of mind, Abby must continue living with Will so that they can keep a rent-controlled apartment. Also involved in her life: her boss Roger Tomkins, her sister Jo Walker, and the "West Coast" anchor Max Ellis.
Air Dates and Times:
January 2003: Monday: 9:30 PM (EST)
January 2003: Tuesday: 9:30 PM (EST)
January - March 2003: Tuesday: 9pm (EST)